Friday, January 28, 2011


After finishing this book I was very dissapointed that D-503 got the operation and basically let down the unnumbered race. When reading the book I got so into the point of revolution and change and the fall of the Benefactor that when D-503 was watching I-330 almost die through the gas chamber that he didin't know who she was or how he knew her. I think that this was a very dissapointing end to a great story. I would have like to see the revolution take place and see thatD-503 and I-330 and O would have lived in a free world. I think that it would have made the end more satisfying. Overall I really enjoyed this book.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

One thing that I hate about the One State - 1/26/2011

I actually finished the book by accident. I had to keep reading and see how it ended. One thing that I would hate about the One State would not having an identity. Everyone in the One State is given a number and told who they could see and have sex with, what they were going to do when the grew up and given a time schedule for each day. I would feel completely like a robot that was following other peoples commands and not living to the full extent and doing things for myself. I think that it would be horrible to live in a world like that. No one would really be any different then the other person. I think that having a soul and an imagination makes us each unique as individuals and with out them we are nothing but robots. Mindless machines that obey commands. I think that it would be worse then being a dog. A dog has more freedom then what the people in this book have and the control that One State has on them is terrifying because it could be something that happens to us in the future. I think that sometimes people get ideas from television and from books that they read, so honestly i believe that one day maybe someone will try to rule mankind and turn them into mindless robots. I am defiantly grateful that I wasn't born in a time period that was strict on what people could do. We do have rules to follow in our society's and the laws but we are able to be creative and unique from everyone else which i think is very important to being a human being on Earth.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Critique on "WE"

After reading "WE" to this point I found that it is interesting the way that the Author describes things. Writtin in the 1920's "WE" has a sense that there is a revolution about to happen to what has been literaly forced apon them. In a cultural context readers can see why the novel wasn't published when it was written in Russia. During that time period Russia was under a rule that made everyone be similar and follow schedules. However, unlike the novel there is life everywhere on Earth besides Russia. I believe that this novel in itself is an exaple of how revolutions can take place and work. I believe that the reason that Russia would not let this book be published and the author banished because Russia had not wanted him to start a revolution of their own.